Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Styling by Zara Mirkin

The very talented Zara Mirkin is one of New Zealand's top stylists, the Editor of No.Magazine and the creative brain behind Stolen Girlfriends Club women's wear collections. Zara is one of my favourite stylists mainly because everything that she does is so young, edgy and fun.

The images above are from one of my favourite editorials by Zara, for Russh Japan back in 2009. Although this editorial is old, it's good! It also features that amazing leopard print from 'The Believers', Karen Walker's 2009 S/S collection that i wrote about last week (third image).

Zara Mirkin is to be praised for her contribution to New Zealand fashion. She is well and truly a super, duper lady!

Styling: Zara Mirkin
Model: Tallulah

Images: http://forums.thefashionspot.com


  1. First thing i noticed was how tall the model is! lol..short people always notice height first, I think. Those pants in the second picture are to die for!

  2. Haha love it! I'm not short myself so I can't relate to that, but i can relate to you loving those pants! They're amazing!
