In case you haven't been bothered reading my previous one thousand posts about NZFW over the past three days (I wont hold it against you!), I'll explain to you a-fresh my approach to NZFW 2011.
1. I want to be there
2. I'm not there
3. Therefore I am spending many, many hours online stalking my favourite bloggers and their fashion week movements. Yes, I am having a second hand fashion week experience. Not ideal but good enough for now... aka until I become an industry professional who is capable of actually attending NZFW.
Anyway, back to Jimmy D! Jimmy D showed this afternoon and overall the reviews seem pretty good. Obviously the black appeals to me as I am a black lover, and I very very much love the gothic feel this collection has. It's a bit scary - but in a good way. Like cool goth, not weird goth... yeah. ha ha.
These snaps were taken by Katherine Lowe of Katherine is Awesome. Very, very cool.
Images: Katherine is Awesome