Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Pretty little places: San Cristobal de la Casas, Mexico

Pretty little place #3. 

I know what you are thinking - but yes, Mexico is very pretty actually! Contrary to popular belief, there is actually a lot more to Mexico than sombreo's, tequila and mostache-ladden drug lords who run around murdering people left, right and centre.

To be honest, Mexico is one of the most beautiful and friendly places that I have ever had the pleasure of visiting, and as long as you stay away from the border [of Mexico and the U.S] it is actually super safe (and cheap!) to travel around. 

Friday, June 22, 2012

'Precious' by Deadly Ponies

So I know it's no diamond ring, but if somebody proposed to me with the Bow Ring by Deadly Ponies, I would probably have to say yes due to the fact that I have a major crush on this baby right now. I probably wouldn't say no to the Rope Ring either. Unemployed people such as myself can't be picky I suppose!

 'Precious' is the name of Deadly Ponies most recent (and decent) jewellery collection. Named for the fact that pieces in the collection are crafted from precious materials such as bone, gold and silver, the collection draws inspiration from twisted fairy tales and mourning jewellery from the Victorian ages.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Pretty little places: Bottega Louie, Los Angeles

Pretty little place #2. Here we go.

I'm not going to lie, downtown Los Angeles is not my favourite place in the world. Over all it's smelly, dirty and actually a wee bit dangerous. But ask any LA native about the best place to satisfy your sweet tooth and the answer will be unanimous - downtown Los Angeles may be a bit shabby, but downtown's Bottega Louie is most definitely a diamond in the rough. 


Meow. Last night I convinced myself that I was no longer going to post cute animal related pictures on my blog due to the fact that I am now 'grown up' and 'worldy'.

But then this came into my life. And just like that, new blogging rule #1 is broken.

Far too cute to not share.

Okay, back to real blogging now. Pretty little place # 2 coming... any minute now.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Pretty little places: Mira Mira, San Fransisco

Welcome to my new series: Pretty little places. 

I'm going to be honest with you - basically, in this series I am just going to go on and on about all of the awesome places I visited on my recent travels and disguise my nostalgia as 'advice' on where y'all should go when you visit the above cities. But trust me, all of these wee places are actually pretty special and I think you would like them very much. So ignore my ranting, and read on friends.

Any who... Mira Mira! I stumbled across this beautiful boutique one sunny day in San Fransisco (sounds very romantic, doesn't it!) and was oh so happy that I did. 

Friday, June 15, 2012


Oh hello there, just letting you all know that no, I am not dead (...always a good thing). As some of you will know I went traveling for awhile, which was amazing, thanks for asking! But as of last week I am back in The Land of the Long White Cloud, and currently sorting my life out. This means that I will be back on the blogging horse very soon. Woohooo.